Thursday, August 21, 2014

20 Week Ultrasound

I had my 20 week ultrasound this week! I was so bummed Jared couldn't come since he's in the field. Baby did great! He stayed nice and still until the end and I'm pretty sure he got tired of being poked at and started wiggling like crazy! I think one of the coolest things I got to see was his tiny little heart! The ultrasound could show all the different chambers and everything. It's especially cool knowing he is only about 6 in and only 12 oz so it's incredible that we can see all that on such a tiny baby. They said he is for sure a boy! Thank goodness because I already took the tags off his new clothes!

Another thing this week, he has been moving and stretching out a lot! I can feel when he stretches because my stomach gets really really tight where he's pushing. When I try and push back he feels so strong it's incredible! Of course after a few times it's getting to the point where I wish he would stop haha. I can't imagine what that will be like when he gets bigger!

Baby looks healthy and when Jared gets back I'll have him take my 20 week picture!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing this picture! Keep growing little man!
