Sunday, October 19, 2014

28 weeks

Everyone told me when I got pregnant that I should make sure to cherish every moment with our baby, because time flies! But, they failed to tell me how fast time would fly during my pregnancy also! I can't believe I'm 28 weeks already!

I got back from my trip to St. Louis and I'm already missing home! I love being back with my husband, but I do miss being around my family. I had a blast at my showers! It was so much fun going through all my presents. Now That I'm back home I have had fun sorting through everything and putting it away in the nursery.

Now that I'm home I really have to start getting ready for Jack! My mom is coming out in a few weeks to help me get everything together. We are going to sort through everything so that she can help me figure out what else I need, and she is going to help me paint the nursery!

Speaking of my mom, at my shower she gave me Jack's baby quilt!!!

How beautiful are these??? The one with elephants has a fuzzy backing and then she used the extra fabric to make the other quilt! I have such a talented mom!!

This week Chance wanted to be in the picture. And of course in honor of fall I had to break out some flannel! Hopefully this week I'll get the nursery looking a bit better and I'll take some pictures!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

26 Weeks

Apparently I can't do everything by myself anymore.... I never wanted to be one of those girls that was constantly asking for help. People have been so sweet and have offered help and I turn it down and just do things myself. But this week I was in the car and tossed my purse in the seat behind me, later I reached back for it and my dad said, "wait I'll get it!" Of course I turned down the help and stretched to the seat behind me to grab my giant purse. No big deal right? Wrong. Apparently something as simple as turning to grab my bag totally pulled something in my back. I was down for the day. Thankfully it was a quick fix and felt better the next day. But I have realized I do need help every now and then.

On a positive note; I'm in town visiting my family!!! It has been so refreshing! Being so far away is tough!! I think missing Christmas for the first time is going to be really hard... I have been busy every single day! I made a list of things that I miss doing in St. Louis and I have been checking things off my list every day! Once I'm back home I'll take time to post some photos from all my adventures and make a lovely post about why St. Louis is so great!

I'm 26 weeks and I have to say, this pregnancy is going fast! I know once I get closer to the end, I'll be way more uncomfortable and I'll probably be anxious to get it over with. But right now I just can't believe how fast it's going! Do I really only have 14 weeks left?? Baby J should be about 2 lbs now and is moving around like crazy! I love getting to lay down and watch all his kicks and movements. I mean it's weird, but it's pretty fun to watch!

Here's my 26 week picture! Overalls courtesy of my wonderful husband! I have to say overalls are the best! I don't have to worry about my pants constantly falling down!