Well I guess you could say I have been a little busy....So I'm happy to announce Baby J has arrived!!!!! I had been planing on making this big huge post about delivery and then decided not too and just got distracted......for 6 months.....oops. Anyways, let's get a summary on the last 6 months!
Delivery: 3 Days before delivery I had been having really strong contractions and figured I was close, and the day before my due date I went into labor! At 2 am the contractions started. While my husband slept I stood in the shower and walked around. Finally I woke him up to time the contractions, and decided to go in. It's probably a good thing I went in because I was 7cm dilated! I hated the first doctor I had, at one point she hugged me while swaying, and while I'm sure that works for some girls, that about sent this laboring momma into an anxiety attack. But thankfully she backed off. She left in the middle of my pushing since her shift ended and a new doctor came in (thank goodness). She was so nice and helped me finish things up and delivered the baby! I went to the hospital at 4am and had Baby J at 8am. And I was so happy I was able to go all natural! A lot of people told me since I didn't take any classes and didn't read anything I would end up asking for an epidural, but honestly it never even crossed my mind. Also, big shout out to my nurses!! I am so grateful to them, I had a very hard recovery afterwards and they helped me so much!
Sweet tiny baby. Lot's of hair! 6lbs 5oz. |
Month 2: Baby smiles! One of my favorite things was when he learned to smile! He is still smiles all the time, I love it! He hit a MAJOR growth spurt. And this month he started getting new hair...which meant his baby hear started falling out...
Month 3: He started really playing with his toys, I even put him in his little walker and he loved to play with toys while I got stuff done around the house.
Month 4: Bye bye baby hair! I shaved his head! The baby hair was driving me nuts so I shaved it off. Which ended up making his head lighter so he could start rolling around! :)
Month 5: Officially joined the Rollie Pollie Club! Also, his laugh is adorable! His eyes are turning green, and his hair is definitely light like his dad!
So we are about to enter the 6th Month and I'm really looking forward to starting solids! And he is more than ready! He is constantly grabbing at food and he just stares at the food when we eat. The only reason I haven't started him yet, is because I'm out of town and I want my husband to be with us when he tried food for the first time. With Jared being in the military I'm sure there will be lot's of "firsts" he misses, so I try my best to make sure he is there for as many as possible!
Big boy hair, and a big smile! |
-Not to second guess myself. I know I'm a new mom and I'm always seeking the advice of moms that I respect and look up to, but I have also learned that I can do it. Even though I'm still learning a lot I have learned to trust my instincts to do what's best for my baby.
-Don't ask for advice on social media. I never post a question on social media because I don't care what 90% of the people on my Facebook have to say. So I have a select few moms that I trust that I will call or message when I need help. I think this helps filter out a lot of crap.
-Smile and nod. Even when you don't ask for advice, people will just give it to you. I used to explain why I didn't agree, but I realized pretty quick that was pointless. So now when I get advice I don't agree with I just smile and nod.
-Ignore pinterest. Pinterst is the ultimate mommy guilt trip. I constantly see things like, "Baby Products You NEED" or "1 Million activities you have to do with your newborn" etc.... Your baby will be fine if you don't play peekaboo with them for exactly 10 minutes everyday. And they will survive without that mamaroo. I mean it has it's benefits, but don't stay on there too long.
-Slow down and enjoy every single second. I hear a lot of moms say, "gosh I blinked and they grew up!" and while I do feel like that a little, I feel like I have done a good job at soaking in every second. I'm not a fast paced person. There are some days I want to rush, but then I really stop myself and say, "he's going to be a little bigger tomorrow, it's time to forget the plans for today and enjoy him."
How's breastfeeding?
Uhhhh......not my favorite thing in the world. Also, to the moms who are about to have their first baby and try breastfeeding for the first time: You will hear, "if it hurts, you're doing it wrong" all the time, but breastfeeding for the first time is going to hurt! It took a while for my body to adjust and stop being sore, but sometimes breastfeeding for the first time does hurt. Don't let that discourage you! Now it doesn't hurt, but gosh those first couple of weeks were not very pleasant.... And yes I did see a wonderful lactation consultant to make sure I was nursing probably, it's just part of getting used to the process. Also, I want to punch people when they tell me "breastfeeding is way more easy and convenient than a bottle." You're joking right?! Please tell me what part of trying to take my shirt half off, while holding a hungry crying baby is convenient. And what part of cracked nipples, mastitis, and engorged boobs is easy??? Breastfeeding isn't easy, but it's worth it. Seriously....do you even know how much money I have saved??? ;)
Advice for new moms:
-The internet can be a wonderful place, but it's also holds the Guinness World record for the most opinions. So I really do suggest ignoring the internet and having just a close circle of experienced mommies you trust that you can call up anytime for either advice or just some encouragement.
-You can do it! Don't panic, just take a deep breath and realize that babies are resilient.
-Say no. Seriously. You can say no. I said no when people asked to come visit right after I had the baby, I say no when some people ask to hold him, I say no all the time. Which is actually hard for me. I don't like saying no, but my baby can't and I have to protect him, and if it means saying no and pissing someone off, I will most definitely say no.
I think that about covers everything! Congratulations to the few who read the whole thing! I'm hoping to post more often and use this more as a mommy diary of sorts. Hopefully the next time I post will be sooner than 6 months... I probably won't post many pictures of Baby J, this is a pubic blog so I really don't want him to be smeared all over the internet. I even limit what I post on Facebook. Anyways, the next post I write should be about try baby food! That will be fun....I might have to add a picture to that......
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