What a week this has been! I have been getting ready for my trip back home to visit my family, which I'm so excited for!! This week I had a check up that didn't go as well as I had hoped. My doctor was called away and the doctor that replaced her was, how should I say it.....terrible. She led us to believe that something was wrong with the baby, when it ended up being nothing. Being pregnant is stressful and scary on it's own, having a doctor scare me even more was absolutely not helpful. But a follow up ultrasound showed that everything was normal and baby and I are healthy (praise the Lord!!)!
My clothes are starting to get a bit tight.... Jared even said to me, "Uh.... how about we go to target and get you a couple new tops.." after seeing me struggle to find something to wear. He was so nice and got me a new dress and sweater to wear while I'm on my trip!
Here's the dress he got me! |
We got the dresser moved upstairs into the nursery! I'm still working on how to decorate but I'm excited to put it all together in November when my mom comes out to help me paint! Time seems to be going so quick! In only a few months our baby boy will be here!